Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Condition for Common Roots

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Only one root is common : Let \[\alpha \] be the common root of quadratic equations \[{{a}_{1}}{{x}^{2}}+{{b}_{1}}x+{{c}_{1}}=0\] and \[{{a}_{2}}{{x}^{2}}+{{b}_{2}}x+{{c}_{2}}=0\].


\[\therefore \] \[{{a}_{1}}{{\alpha }^{2}}+{{b}_{1}}\alpha +{{c}_{1}}=0\], \[{{a}_{2}}{{\alpha }^{2}}+{{b}_{2}}\alpha +{{c}_{2}}=0\]


By Crammer’s rule : \[\frac{{{\alpha }^{2}}}{\left| \,\begin{matrix} -{{c}_{1}} & {{b}_{1}}  \\ -{{c}_{2}} & {{b}_{2}}  \\ \end{matrix}\, \right|}=\frac{\alpha }{\left| \,\begin{matrix} {{a}_{1}} & -{{c}_{1}}  \\ {{a}_{2}} & -{{c}_{2}}  \\ \end{matrix}\, \right|}=\frac{1}{\left| \,\begin{matrix} {{a}_{1}} & {{b}_{1}}  \\ {{a}_{2}} & {{b}_{2}}  \\ \end{matrix}\, \right|}\]


or \[\frac{{{\alpha }^{2}}}{{{b}_{1}}{{c}_{2}}-{{b}_{2}}{{c}_{1}}}=\frac{\alpha }{{{a}_{2}}{{c}_{1}}-{{a}_{1}}{{c}_{2}}}=\frac{1}{{{a}_{1}}{{b}_{2}}-{{a}_{2}}{{b}_{1}}}\]


\[\therefore \] \[\alpha =\frac{{{a}_{2}}{{c}_{1}}-{{a}_{1}}{{c}_{2}}}{{{a}_{1}}{{b}_{2}}-{{a}_{2}}{{b}_{1}}}=\frac{{{b}_{1}}{{c}_{2}}-{{b}_{2}}{{c}_{1}}}{{{a}_{2}}{{c}_{1}}-{{a}_{1}}{{c}_{2}}}\], \[\alpha \ne 0\]


\[\therefore \] The condition for only one root common is




(2) Both roots are common: Then required condition is



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