Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced


Category : JEE Main & Advanced

  The process of transmission of heat energy in which the heat is transferred from one particle to other particle without dislocation of the particle from their equilibrium position is called conduction.

(1) Heat flows from hot end to cold end. Particles of the medium simply oscillate but do not leave their place.

(2) Medium is necessary for conduction

(3) It is a slow process

(4) The temperature of the medium increases through which heat flows

(5) Conduction is a process which is possible in all states of matter.

(6) When liquid and gases are heated from the top, they conduct heat from top to bottom.

(7) In solids only conduction takes place

(8) In non-metallic solids and fluids the conduction takes place only due to vibrations of molecules, therefore they are poor conductors.

(9) In metallic solids free electrons carry the heat energy, therefore they are good conductor of heat.  

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