Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

d-Block Elements   

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

A transition element may be defined as an element whose atom in the ground state or ion in common oxidation state has incomplete sub-shell, has electron 1 to 9. It is called transition element due to fact that it is lying between most electropositive (s-block) and most electronegative (p-block) elements and represent a transition from them. The general electronic configuration of these element is \[{{(n-1)}^{1\,\text{to}\,10}}\,\,n{{s}^{0\,\,\text{to}\,2}}.\,\,\]           

The definition of transition metal excludes \[Zn,\,Cd\] and \[Hg\] because they have complete d- orbital. Their common oxidation state is \[Z{{n}^{++}},C{{d}^{++}},\,H{{g}^{++}}.\] They also do not show the characteristics of transition element. Element of group 3 (Sc, Y, La and Ac) and group 12 (\[Zn,\,Cd,\]\[Hg\]) are called non typical transition element.

First transition or 3d series :

Element Symbol At. No. Electronic configuration
Scandium Sc 21


3d-orbitals are filled up

\[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{1}}4{{s}^{2}}\]
Titanium Ti 22 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{2}}4{{s}^{2}}\]
Vanadium V 23 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{3}}4{{s}^{2}}\]
Chromium \[C{{r}^{*}}\] 24 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{5}}4{{s}^{1}}\]
Manganese Mn 25 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{5}}4{{s}^{2}}\]
Iron Fe 26 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{6}}4{{s}^{2}}\]
Cobalt Co 27 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{7}}4{{s}^{2}}\]
Nickel Ni 28 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{8}}4{{s}^{2}}\]
Copper \[C{{u}^{*}}\] 29 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{10}}4{{s}^{1}}\]
Zinc Zn 30 \[\left[ Ar \right]\text{ }3{{d}^{10}}4{{s}^{2}}\]

Second transition or 4d-series :

Element Symbol At. No. Electronic configuration
Yttrium Y 39

4d-orbitals are filled up




\[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{1}}5{{s}^{2}}\]
Zirconium Zr 40 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{2}}5{{s}^{2}}\]
Niobium \[N{{b}^{*}}\] 41 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{4}}5{{s}^{1}}\]
Molybdenum \[M{{o}^{*}}\] 42 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{5}}5{{s}^{1}}\]
Technetium Tc 43 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{5}}5{{s}^{2}}\]
Ruthenium \[R{{u}^{*}}\] 44 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{7}}5{{s}^{1}}\]
Rhodium \[R{{h}^{*}}\] 45 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{8}}5{{s}^{1}}\]
Palladium \[P{{d}^{*}}\] 46 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{10}}5{{s}^{0}}\]
Silver \[A{{g}^{*}}\] 47 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{10}}5{{s}^{1}}\]
Cadmium Cd 48 \[\left[ Kr \right]\text{ }4{{d}^{10}}5{{s}^{2}}\]

Third transition or 5d-series :

Element Symbol At. No. Electronic configuration
Lanthanum La 57

5d-orbitals are filled up

    \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }5{{d}^{1}}6{{s}^{2}}\]
Hafnium Hf 72 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{2}}6{{s}^{2}}\]
Tantalum Ta 73 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{3}}6{{s}^{2}}\]
Tungsten W 74 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{4}}6{{s}^{2}}\]
Rhenium Re 75 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{5}}6{{s}^{2}}\]
Osmium Os 76 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{6}}6{{s}^{2}}\]
Iridium Ir 77 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{7}}6{{s}^{2}}\]
Platinum \[P{{t}^{*}}\] 78 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{10}}6{{s}^{0}}\]
Gold \[A{{u}^{*}}\] 79 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{10}}6{{s}^{!}}\]
Mercury Hg 80 \[\left[ Xe \right]\text{ }4{{f}^{14}}5{{d}^{10}}6{{s}^{2}}\]

           Fourth transition or 6d-series :

Element Symbol             At. No. Electronic configuration
Actinium Ac 89 6d-orbitals are filled up \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }6{{d}^{1}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Rutherfordium Rf 104 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{2}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Hahnium Ha 105 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{3}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Seaborgium Sg 106 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{4}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Bohrium Bh 107 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{5}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Hassium Hs 108 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{6}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Meitnerium Mt 109 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{7}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Ununnilium Uun 110 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{8}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Unununium Uuu 111 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{9}}7{{s}^{2}}\]
Unubium Uub 112 \[\left[ Rn \right]\text{ }5{{f}^{14}}6{{d}^{10}}7{{s}^{2}}\]








Elements marked with asterisk have anomalous configurations. These are attributed to factors like nuclear-electron and electron-electron forces and stability of half filled and full filled orbital.           

All transition elements are d block elements but all d block elements are not transition elements.

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