Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Diagonal relationship

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

Certain elements of 2nd period show similarity with their diagonal elements in the 3rd period as shown below :


Thus, Li resembles Mg, Be resembles Al and B resembles Si. This is called diagonal relationship and is due to the reason that these pairs of element  have almost identical ionic radii and polarizing power (i.e. charge/size ratio). Element of second period are known as bridge elements.    

Anomalous behaviour of the first elements of a group: The first element of a group differs considerably from its congeners (i.e. the rest of the element of its group). This is due to (i) small size (ii) high electronegativity and (iii) non availability of d-orbitals for bonding. Anomalous behaviour is observed among the second row elements (i.e. Li to F).

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