Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced


Category : JEE Main & Advanced

An echo is simply the repetition of speaker's own voice caused by reflection at a distance surface e.g. a cliff. a row of building or any other extended surface. If there is a sound reflector at a distance d from source, then the time interval between original source and it's echo at the site of source will be


As the persistence of hearing for human ear is 0.1 sec, therefore in order that an echo of short sound (e.g. clap or gun fire) will be heard if \[t>0.1\Rightarrow \frac{2d}{\upsilon }>0.1\Rightarrow d>\frac{\upsilon }{20}\]

If \[\upsilon =\] Speed of sound \[=340\,\,m/s\] then \[d>17\,m\].

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