Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Experimental Setup for Photoelectric Effect

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Two conducting electrodes, the anode (Q) and cathode (P) are enclosed in an evacuated glass tube as shown

(2) The battery or other source of potential difference creates an electric field in the direction from anode to cathode.

(3) Light of certain wavelength or frequency falling on the surface of cathode causes a current in the external circuit called photoelectric current.

(4) As potential difference increases, photo electric current also increases till saturation is reached.

(5) When polarity of battery is reversed (i.e. plate Q is at negative potential w.r.t. plate P) electrons start moving back towards the cathode.

(6) At a particular negative potential of plate Q no electron will reach the plate Q and the current will become zero, this negative potential is called stopping potential denoted by \[{{V}_{0}}\]. Maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons in terms of stopping potential will therefore be \[{{K}_{\max }}=(|{{V}_{0}}|)\,eV\]

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