Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Frequency Modulation (FM)

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

The process of changing the frequency of a carrier wave in accordance with the audio frequency signal is known as frequency modulation

(1) Audio quality of AM transmission is poor. There are  need to eliminate amplitude sensitive noise. This is possible if we eliminate amplitude variation. (i.e. a need to keep the amplitude of the carrier constant). This is precisely what we do in FM.

(2) In FM the overall amplitude of FM wave remains constant at all times.

(3) In FM, the total transmitted power remains constant.

(4) Frequency deviation : The maximum change in frequency from mean value \[({{v}_{c}})\] is known as frequency deviation. This is also the change or shift either above or below the frequency \[{{v}_{c}}\] and is called as frequency deviation.

\[\therefore \] \[\delta =({{f}_{\max }}-{{f}_{c}})={{f}_{c}}-{{f}_{\min }}={{k}_{f}}.\frac{{{E}_{m}}}{2\pi }\]

\[{{k}_{f}}=\] Constant of proportionality. It determines the maximum variation in frequency of the modulated wave for a given modulating signal.

(5) Carrier swing (CS) : The total variation in frequency from the lowest to the highest is called the carrier swing i.e.

\[CS=2\times \Delta f\]

(6) Frequency modulation index \[({{m}_{f}})\] : The ratio of maximum frequency deviation to the modulating frequency is called modulation index.

\[{{m}_{f}}=\frac{\delta }{{{f}_{m}}}=\frac{{{f}_{\max }}-{{f}_{c}}}{{{f}_{m}}}=\frac{{{f}_{c}}-{{f}_{\min }}}{{{f}_{m}}}=\frac{{{k}_{f}}{{E}_{m}}}{{{f}_{m}}}\]

(7) Frequency spectrum : FM side band modulated signal consist of infinite number of side bands whose frequencies are

\[({{f}_{c}}\pm {{f}_{m}}),\,({{f}_{c}}\pm 2{{f}_{m}}),\,({{f}_{c}}\pm 3{{f}_{m}})\,.......\]

The number of side bands depends on the modulation index \[{{m}_{f}}\].

In FM signal, the information (audio signal) is contained in the side bands. Since the side bands are separated from each other by the frequency of modulating signal \[{{f}_{m}}\]so

Band width \[=2n\times {{f}_{m}}\]; where n = number of significant side band pairs

(8) Deviation ratio : The ratio of maximum permitted frequency deviation to the maximum permitted audio frequency is known as deviation ratio. Thus, deviation ratio \[=\frac{{{(\Delta f)}_{\max }}}{{{({{f}_{m}})}_{\max }}}\]

(9) Percent modulation : The ratio of actual frequency deviation to the maximum allowed frequency deviation is defined as percent modulation. Thus, percent modulation, \[m=\frac{{{(\Delta f)}_{\text{actual}}}}{{{(\Delta f)}_{\max }}}\]

Range of frequency allotted for FM radio/TV broadcast

Type of broadcast Frequency band
FM radio 88 to 108 MHz
UHF TV 47 to 230 MHz
UHF TV 470 to 960 MHz


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