Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Fringe Visibility (V)

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

With the help of visibility, knowledge about coherence, fringe contrast an interference pattern is obtained.

\[V=\frac{{{I}_{\max }}-{{I}_{\min }}}{{{I}_{\max }}+{{I}_{\min }}}=2\frac{\sqrt{{{I}_{1}}{{I}_{2}}}\,}{({{I}_{1}}+{{I}_{2}})}\] If \[{{I}_{\min }}=0\], \[V=1\] (maximum) i.e., fringe visibility will be best.

Also if \[{{I}_{\max }}=0,\,V=-1\] and If \[{{I}_{\max }}={{I}_{\min }},\,V=0\]

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