Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Human Eye

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Eye lens : Over all behaves as a convex lens of \[\mu =1.437\]

(2) Retina : Real and inverted image of an object, obtained at retina, brain sense it erect.

(3) Yellow spot : It is the most sensitive part, the image formed at yellow spot is brightest.

(4) Blind spot : Optic nerves goes to brain through blind spot. It is not sensitive for light.

(5) Ciliary muscles : Eye lens is fixed between these muscles. It's both radius of curvature can be changed by applying pressure on it through ciliary muscles.

(6) Power of accomodation : The ability of eye to see near objects as well as far objects is called power of accomodation.

(7) Range of vision : For healthy eye it is 25 cm (near point) to \[\infty \] (far point).

A normal eye can see the objects clearly, only if they are at a distance greater than 25 cm. This distance is called Least distance of distinct vision and is represented by D.

(8) Persistence of vision : Is 1/10 sec. i.e. if time interval between two consecutive light pulses is lesser than 0.1 sec., eye cannot distinguish them separately.

(9) Binocular vision : The seeing with two eyes is called binocular vision.

(10) Resolving limit : The minimum angular separation between two objects, so that they are just resolved is called resolving limit. For eye it is \[{{1}^{'}}={{\left( \frac{1}{60} \right)}^{o}}\].

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