Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Image Formation by Curved Mirrors

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

Concave mirror : Image formed by concave mirror may be real or virtual, may be inverted or erect, may be smaller, larger or equal in size of object.

(1) When object is placed at infinite (i.e. \[u=\infty \])


\[\to \] At F

\[\to \] Real

\[\to \] Inverted

\[\to \] Very small in size

\[\to \] Magnification \[m<<-1\]

(2) When object is placed between infinite and centre of curvature (i.e. \[u>2f\])  


\[\to \]         Between F and C

\[\to \]         Real

\[\to \]         Inverted

\[\to \]         Small in size         \[m<-1\]

(3) When object is placed at centre of curvature (i.e. \[u=2f\])  


\[\to \]         At C

\[\to \]         Real

\[\to \]         Inverted

\[\to \]         Equal in size         \[m=-1\]

(4) When object is placed between centre of curvature and focus (i.e. \[f<u<2f\])


\[\to \]         Between 2f and \[\infty \]

\[\to \]         Real

\[\to \]         Inverted

\[\to \]         Large in size               


(5) When object is placed at focus (i.e. \[u=f\])  


\[\to \]         At \[\infty \]

\[\to \]         Real

\[\to \]         Inverted

\[\to \]         Very large in size        


(6) When object is placed between focus and pole (i.e. u < f)


\[\to \]         Behind the mirror

\[\to \]         Virtual

\[\to \]         Erect

\[\to \]         Large in size         \[m>+1\]

Convex mirror : Image formed by convex mirror is always virtual, erect and smaller in size.

(1) When object is placed at infinite (i.e. \[u=\infty \])


\[\to \]         At F

\[\to \]         Virtual

\[\to \]         Erect

\[\to \]         Very small in size        

\[\to \]Magnification \[m<<+1\]  

(2) When object is placed any where on the principal axis


\[\to \]         Between P and F

\[\to \]         Virtual

\[\to \]         Erect

\[\to \]         Small in size        

\[\to \] Magnification \[m<+1\]

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