Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Melde's Experiment

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) It is an experimental representation of transverse stationary wave.

(2) In Melde's experiment, one end of a flexible piece of string is tied to the end of a tuning fork. The other end passes over a smooth pulley carries a suitable load.

(3) If p is the number of loop's formed in stretched string and T is the tension in the string then Melde's law is \[p\sqrt{T}=\]constant \[\Rightarrow \] \[\frac{{{p}_{1}}}{{{p}_{2}}}=\sqrt{\frac{{{T}_{2}}}{{{T}_{1}}}}\] (For comparing two cases)

Two arrangements of connecting a string to turning fork  

Transversely Example
Prongs of tuning fork vibrates at right angles to the thread. Prongs vibrated along the length of the thread.
Frequency of vibration of turning fork: frequency of vibration of the thread. Frequency of turning fork \[=2\times \] (Frequency of vibration of thread)

If number of loops in string is P then

\[l=\frac{p\lambda }{2}\Rightarrow \lambda =\frac{2l}{p}\]

\[\Rightarrow \] Frequency of string

\[=\frac{v}{\lambda }=\frac{p}{2l}\sqrt{\frac{T}{m}}\]\[\left( \because \,v=\sqrt{\frac{T}{m}} \right)\]

\[\Rightarrow \] Frequency of tuning fork


\[\Rightarrow \] If l, m, n \[\to \] constant then \[p\sqrt{T}=\] constant

It number of loop so in string is p then

\[l=\frac{p\lambda }{2}\Rightarrow \,\lambda =\frac{2l}{p}\]

\[\Rightarrow \]Frequency of string

\[=\frac{v}{\lambda }=\frac{p}{2l}\sqrt{\frac{T}{m}}\]

\[\Rightarrow \]Frequency of turning fork

\[I=\frac{P}{l}\sqrt{\frac{T}{m}}\] \[\Rightarrow \]If l, m, n \[\to \] constant then \[p\sqrt{T}=\]constant


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