Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Nature of Work Done

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

Positive work

Positive work means that force (or its component) is parallel to displacement


\[{{0}^{o}}\le \theta <{{90}^{o}}\]

The positive work signifies that the external force favours the motion of the body.

Example: (i) When a person lifts a body from the ground, the work done by the (upward) lifting force is positive

(ii) When a lawn roller is pulled by applying a force along the handle at an acute angle, work done by the applied force is positive.

(iii) When a spring is stretched, work done by the external (stretching) force is positive.

Maximum work : \[{{W}_{\max }}=F\,s\]

When  \[\cos \theta =\text{maximum}=1\]  i.e. \[\theta ={{0}^{o}}\]

It means force does maximum work when angle between force and displacement is zero.

Negative work

Negative work means that force (or its component) is opposite to displacement i.e.


\[{{90}^{o}}<\theta \le {{180}^{o}}\]

The negative work signifies that the external force opposes the motion of the body.

Example: (i) When a person lifts a body from the ground, the work done by the (downward) force of gravity is negative.

(ii) When a body is made to slide over a rough surface, the work done by the frictional force is negative.

Minimum work : \[{{W}_{\min }}=-F\,s\]

When \[\cos \theta =\text{minimum}=-1\] i.e \[\theta ={{180}^{o}}\]

It means force does minimum [maximum negative] work when angle between force and displacement is \[{{180}^{o}}\].

(iii) When a positive charge is moved towards another positive charge. The work done by electrostatic force between them is negative.

Zero work  

Under three condition, work done becomes zero \[W=Fs\cos \theta =0\]


(1) If the force is perpendicular to the displacement

\[\mathbf{[}\overrightarrow{F}\,\bot \,\overrightarrow{s\,}\mathbf{]}\]

Example:  (i)    When a coolie travels on a horizontal platform with a load on his head, work done against gravity by the coolie is zero.        

(ii)  When a body moves in a circle the work done by the centripetal force is always zero.        

(iii) In case of motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field as force \[[\overrightarrow{F}=q(\overrightarrow{v\,}\times \overrightarrow{B})]\] is always perpendicular to motion, work done by this force is always zero.


(2) If there is no displacement [s = 0]

Example: (i)   When a person tries to displace a wall or heavy stone by applying a force and it does not move, then work done is zero.         

(ii) A weight lifter does work in lifting the weight off the ground but does not work in holding it up.

(3) If there is no force acting on the body [F = 0]

Example: Motion of an isolated body in free space.



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