Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Quasi Static Process

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

When we perform a process on a given system, its state is, in general, changed. Suppose the initial state of the system is described by the values \[{{P}_{1}},\,{{V}_{1}},\,{{T}_{1}}\] and the final state by \[{{P}_{2}},\,{{V}_{2}},\,{{T}_{2}}\]. If the process is performed in such a way that at any instant during the process, the system is very nearly in thermodynamic equilibrium, the process is called quasi-static. This means, we can specify the parameters P, V, T uniquely at any instant during such a process.

Actual processes are not quasi-static. To change the pressure of a gas, we can move a piston inside the enclosure. The gas near the piston is acted upon by piston. The pressure of the gas may not be uniform everywhere while the piston is moving. However, we can move the piston very slowly to make the process as close to quasi-static as we wish. Thus, a quasi-static process is an idealised process in which all changes take place infinitely slowly.

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