Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Radioactive Series

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) If the isotope that results from a radioactive decay is itself radioactive then it will also decay and so on.

(2) The sequence of decays is known as radioactive decay series. Most of the radio-nuclides found in nature are members of four radioactive series. These are as follows

Four radioactive series

Mass number Series (Nature) Parent Stable end product Integer n
\[4n\] Thorium (natural) \[_{90}T{{h}^{232}}\] \[_{82}P{{b}^{208}}\] 52
\[4n+1\] Neptunium (Artificial) \[_{93}N{{p}^{237}}\] \[_{83}B{{i}^{209}}\] 52
\[4n+2\] Uranium (Natural) \[_{92}{{U}^{238}}\] \[_{82}P{{b}^{206}}\] 51
\[4n+3\] Actinium (Natural) \[_{89}A{{c}^{227}}\] \[_{82}P{{b}^{207}}\] 51

(3) The \[4n+1\] series starts from \[_{94}P{{u}^{241}}\] but commonly known as neptunium series because neptunium is the longest lived member of the series.

(4) The \[4n+3\] series actually starts from \[_{92}{{U}^{235}}\].

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