Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced


Category : JEE Main & Advanced

The phenomenon of spontaneous emission of radiatons by heavy elements is called radioactivity. The elements which shows this phenomenon are called radioactive elements.

(1) Radioactivity was discovered by Henery Becquerel in uranium salt in the year 1896.

(2) After the discovery of radioactivity in uranium, Piere Curie and Madame Curie discovered a new radioactive element called radium (which is 106 times more radioactive than uranium)

(3) Some examples of radio active substances are : Uranium, Radium, Thorium, Polonium, Neptunium etc.

(4) Radioactivity of a sample cannot be controlled by any physical (pressure, temperature, electric or magnetic field) or chemical changes.

(5) All the elements with atomic number (Z ) > 82 are naturally radioactive.

(6) The conversion of lighter elements into radioactive elements by the bombardment of fast moving particles is called artificial or induced radioactivity.

(7) Radioactivity is a nuclear event and not atomic. Hence electronic configuration of atom don't have any relationship with radioactivity.  

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