Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Shape of Drops

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

Whether the liquid will be in equilibrium in the form of a drop or it will spread out; depends on the relative strength of the force due to surface tension at the three interfaces.

\[{{T}_{LA}}=\] surface tension at liquid-air interface, \[{{T}_{SA}}=\] surface tension at solid-air interface.

\[{{T}_{SL}}=\]  surface tension at solid-liquid interface, \[\theta =\]  angle of contact between the liquid and solid.

For the equilibrium of molecule

\[{{T}_{SL}}+{{T}_{LA}}\cos \theta ={{T}_{SA}}\] or \[\cos \theta =\frac{{{T}_{SA}}-{{T}_{SL}}}{{{T}_{LA}}}\]  

Special Cases

\[{{T}_{SA}}>{{T}_{SL}},\,\,\cos \theta \]  is positive i.e. \[{{0}^{o}}<\theta <{{90}^{o}}\]

This condition is fulfilled when the molecules of liquid are strongly attracted to that of solid.

Example : (i) Water on glass. (ii) Kerosene oil on any surface.

\[{{T}_{SA}}<{{T}_{SL}},\,\,\cos \theta \]  is negative i.e. \[{{90}^{o}}<\theta <{{180}^{o}}\].

This condition is fulfilled when the molecules of the liquid are strongly attracted to themselves and weakly w.r.t. that of solid.

Example : (i) Mercury on glass surface. (ii) Water on lotus leaf (or a waxy or oily surface)

\[({{T}_{SL}}+{{T}_{LA}}\cos \theta )\text{ }>{{T}_{SA}}\]

In this condition, the molecule of liquid will not be in equilibrium and experience a net force at the interface. As a result, the liquid spreads.         

Example : (i) Water on a clean glass plate.


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