Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Specific Heat of Liquid (Water)

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Among all known solids and liquids specific heat of water is maximum i.e. water takes more time to heat and more time to cool w.r.t. other solids and liquids.

(2) It is observed that by increasing temperature, initially specific heat of water goes on decreasing, becomes minimum at \[37{}^\circ C\] and then it start increasing. Specific heat of water is -

\[\frac{1\,cal}{gm\times {}^\circ C}=1000\frac{cal}{kg\times {}^\circ C}=4200\frac{J}{kg\times {}^\circ C}\]

(This value is obtained between the temperature \[14.5{}^\circ C\] to \[15.5{}^\circ C\]) (3) The variation of specific heat with temperature for water is shown in the figure. Usually this temperature dependence of specific heat is neglected.

(4) As specific heat of water is very large; by absorbing or releasing large amount of heat its temperature changes by small amount. This is why, it is used in hot water bottles or as coolant in radiators.  

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