Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Standing Waves or Stationary Waves

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

When two sets of progressive wave trains of same type (both longitudinal or both transverse) having the same amplitude and same time period/frequency/wavelength travelling with same speed along the same straight line in opposite directions superimpose, a new set of waves are formed.

These are called stationary waves or standing waves.

In practice, a stationary wave is formed when a wave train is reflected at a boundary. The incident and reflected waves then interfere to produce a stationary wave.

(1) Suppose that the two super imposing waves are incident wave \[{{y}_{1}}=a\sin (\omega \,t-kx)\] and reflected wave \[{{y}_{2}}=a\sin (\omega \,t+kx)\]

(As \[{{y}_{2}}\] is the displacement due to a reflected wave from a free boundary)

Then by principle of superposition

\[y={{y}_{1}}+{{y}_{2}}=a\,[\sin \,(\omega \,t-kx)+\sin (\omega \,t+kx)]\]

(By using sin \[\sin C+\sin D=2\sin \frac{C+D}{2}\cos \frac{C-D}{2}\])

\[\Rightarrow \] \[y=2a\cos kx\,\sin \omega \,t\]

(If reflection takes place from rigid end, then equation of stationary wave will be \[y=2a\sin kx\,\cos \omega \,t\])

(2) As this equation satisfies the wave equation

\[\frac{{{\partial }^{2}}y}{\partial {{t}^{2}}}={{v}^{2}}\frac{{{\partial }^{2}}y}{\partial {{x}^{2}}}\]. It represents a wave.

(3) As it is not of the form \[f(ax\pm bt),\] the wave is not progressive.

(4) Amplitude of the wave \[{{A}_{SW}}=2a\cos kx.\]   Amplitude in two different cases

Reflection at open end Reflection at closed end
\[{{A}_{SW}}=2a\cos kx\] \[{{A}_{SW}}=2a\sin kx\]

Amplitude is maximum when \[\cos \,kx=\pm 1\]

\[\Rightarrow \] \[kx=0,\,\,\pi ,\,\,2\pi ,\,\,...\,\,n\pi \].

\[\Rightarrow \] \[x=0,\,\frac{\lambda }{2},\,\lambda \,.......\frac{n\lambda }{2}\]

where \[k=\frac{2\pi }{\lambda }\] and n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

Amplitude is maximum when \[\sin \,kx=\pm 1\]

\[\Rightarrow \] \[kx=\frac{\pi }{2},\,\frac{3\pi }{2}\,.....\frac{(2n-1)\pi }{2}\]

\[\Rightarrow \]\[x=\frac{\lambda }{4},\frac{3\lambda }{4}.......\]    

where \[k=\frac{2\pi }{\lambda }\]and n = 1, 2, 3, ....

Amplitude is minimum when \[\cos kx=0\]

\[\Rightarrow \]\[kx=\frac{\pi }{2},\,\frac{3\pi }{2}\,.....\frac{(2n-1)\pi }{2}\]

\[\Rightarrow \] \[x=\frac{\lambda }{4},\frac{3\lambda }{4}.......\]

Amplitude is minimum when \[\sin kx=0\]

\[\Rightarrow \] \[kx=\frac{\pi }{2},\,\frac{3\pi }{2}\,.....\frac{(2n-1)\pi }{2}\]

\[\Rightarrow \] \[x=0,\,\frac{\lambda }{2},\,\lambda \,.......\frac{n\lambda }{2}\]

(5) Nodes (N) : The points where amplitude is minimum are called nodes.

(i) Distance between two successive nodes is \[\frac{\lambda }{2}\].

(ii) Nodes are at permanents rest.

(iii) At nodes air pressure and density both are high.

(6) Antinodes (A) : The points of maximum amplitudes are called antinodes.

(i) The distance between two successive antinodes is \[\frac{\lambda }{2}\]

(ii) At nodes air pressure and density both are low.

(iii) The distance between a node (N) and adjoining antinode (A) is \[\frac{\lambda }{4}\].


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