Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

States of Matter

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

The three states of matter differ from each other due to the following two factors.

(1) The different magnitudes of the interatomic and intermolecular forces.

(2) The extent of random thermal motion of atoms and molecules of a substance (which depends upon temperature).    

Comparison Chart of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous States
Property Solid Liquid Gas
Shape Definite Not definite Not definite
Volume Definite Definite Not definite
Density Maximum Less than solids but more than gases. Minimum
Compressibility Incompressible Less than gases but more than solids. Compressible
Crystallinity Crystalline Non-crystalline  
Interatomic  or intermolecular distance Constant Not constant Not constant
Relation between kinetic energy K and potential energy (U) \[K<U\] \[K>U\] \[K>>U\]
Intermolecular force Strongest Less than solids but more than gases. Weakest
Freedom of motion Molecules vibrate about their mean position but cannot move freely. Molecules have limited free motion. Molecules are free to move.
Effect of temperature Matter remains in solid form below a certain temperature. Liquids are found at temperatures more than that of solid. These are found at temperatures greater than that of solids and liquids.

Note :

  • The fourth state of matter in which the medium is in the form of positive and negative ions, is known as plasma. Plasma occurs in the atmosphere of stars (including the sun) and in discharge tubes.

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