Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Test Of Aldehydes And Ketones (Distinction)

Category : JEE Main & Advanced


Test Aldehydes Ketones
With Schiff's reagent Give pink colour. No colour.
With Fehling's solution Give red precipitate. No precipitate is formed.
With Tollen's reagent Black precipitate or silver mirror is formed. No black precipitate or silver mirror is formed.
With saturated sodium bisulphite solution in water Crystalline compound (colourless) is formed. Crystalline compound (colourless) is formed.
With 2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine Orange-yellow or red well defined crystals with melting points characteristic of individual aldehydes.  Orange-yellow or red well defined crystals with melting points characteristic of individual ketones.
With sodium hydroxide Give brown resinous mass (formaldehyde does not give this test). No reaction.
With sodium nitroprusside and few drops of sodium hydroxide A deep red colour (formaldehyde does not respond to this test). Red colour which changes to orange.


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