Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

The 'AND' Gate

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) It has two inputs (A and B) and only one output (Y)

(2) Boolean expression is \[Y=A\cdot B\] is read as "Y equals A AND B"



(3) Realization of AND gate

(i) \[A=0,\,\,B=0\] The voltage supply through R is forward biasing diodes \[{{D}_{1}}\] and \[{{D}_{2}}\] (offers low resistance) the voltage V would drop across R The output voltage at Y = the voltage across diode = 0

(ii) A = 0, B = 1 \[{{D}_{1}}=\] conducts, \[{{D}_{2}}=\]Not Conducts the out voltage at Y= The voltage across the diode \[({{D}_{1}})=0\]

(iii) A = 1, B = 0 \[{{D}_{1}}=\]Conducts, \[{{D}_{2}}=\]Not conducts the out voltage at Y= The voltage across the diode \[({{D}_{2}})=0\]

(iv) A = 1, B = 1 None of the diode conducts the out voltage at Y= Battery voltage =1 (4) Truth table for 'AND' gate


A B Y = A . B
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1


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