Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Wattless Current

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

In an ac circuit \[R=0\]\[\Rightarrow \]\[\cos \phi =0\] so \[{{P}_{av}}=0\] i.e. in resistance less circuit the power consumed is zero. Such a circuit is called the wattless circuit and the current flowing is called the wattless current.


The component of current which does not contribute to the average power dissipation is  called wattless current

(i) The average of wattless component over one cycle is zero

(ii) Amplitude of wattless current \[={{i}_{0}}\sin \phi \]

and r.m.s. value of wattless current\[={{i}_{rms}}\sin \varphi =\frac{{{i}_{0}}}{\sqrt{2}}\sin \phi \].

It is quadrature \[({{90}^{o}})\] with voltage.

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