Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced


Category : JEE Main & Advanced

The weight of a body is the force with which it is attracted towards the centre of earth. When a body is stationary with respect to the earth, its weight equals the gravity. This weight of the body is known as its static or true weight.

We become conscious of our weight, only when our weight (which is gravity) is opposed by some other object. Actually, the secret of measuring the weight of a body with a weighing machine lies in the fact that as we place the body on the machine, the weighing machine opposes the weight of the body. The reaction of the weighing machine to the body gives the measure of the weight of the body.

The state of weightlessness can be observed in the following situations.

(1) When objects fall freely under gravity : For example, a lift falling freely, or an airship showing a feat in which it falls freely for a few seconds during its flight, are in state of weightlessness.

(2) When a satellite revolves in its orbit around the earth : Weightlessness poses many serious problems to the astronauts. It becomes quite difficult for them to control their movements. Everything in the satellite has to be kept tied down. Creation of artificial gravity is the answer to this problem.

(3) When bodies are at null points in outer space : On a body projected up, the pull of the earth goes on decreasing, but at the same time the gravitational pull of the moon on the body goes on increasing. At one particular position, the two gravitational pulls may be equal and opposite and the net pull on the body becomes zero. This is zero gravity region or the null point and the body in question is said to appear weightless.  

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