Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Wien's Displacement Law

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

According to Wien's law the product of wavelength corresponding to maximum intensity of radiation and temperature of body (in Kelvin) is constant, i.e. \[{{\lambda }_{m}}T=b=\text{constant}\]

where b is Wien's constant and has value \[2.89\times {{10}^{-3}}m\text{-}K\].

As the temperature of the body increases, the wavelength at which the spectral intensity \[({{E}_{\lambda }})\]is maximum shifts towards left. Therefore it is also called Wien's displacement law.

This law is of great importance in 'Astrophysic' as through the analysis of radiations coming from a distant star, by finding \[{{\lambda }_{m}}\] the temperature of the star \[T(=b/{{\lambda }_{m}})\] is determined.

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