Current Affairs Teaching

Notes - Continous And Comprehensive

Category : Teaching


Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)


Evaluation plays an enormous role in the teaching-learning process. It helps teachers and learners to improve teaching and learning. CCE method is claimed to bring enormous changes from the traditional method of teaching.


7.1 Meaning and Definitions of Evaluation

Evaluation is concerned with the overall development of student's personality pertaining to cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives. Thus, providing a general impression of a learner's ability and improving teaching learning process.


According to JW Wright, "Evaluation is a new technical term introduced to design a more comprehensive concept of measurement."

Evaluation informs an integral part of the whole learning process and is done at regular basis.

According to Wikipedia, "Evaluation is a systematic determination of merit, worth and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards." Evaluation can be quantitative as well as qualitative. Evaluation includes measurement, assessment and testing.



7.1.1 Importance of Evaluation

Importance of evaluation are given below

·               Evaluation helps the teacher to know whether the teaching methodology adopted was successful or not. It helps the teacher to know how successful students were in learning new skills.

·               Evaluation also helps the students to determine which area of learning require more attention. One of the main purpose of evaluation at the school stage is to help the learners improve their achievement in scholastic areas and to develop life skills and attitudes with reference to the larger context and canvas of life.


7.2 Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

·               Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refers to a system of school based evaluation of a student that covers all aspects of a student development.

·               It is a developmental process of student, which emphasises on two fold objectives.

·               These objectives are continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad, based on learning and behaviourial outcomes on the other.

·               The term 'continuous' is meant to emphasise that evaluation of identified aspects of students 'growth and development' is a continuous process rather than an event, built into the total teaching-learning process and spread over the entire span of academic session.

·               It means regularity of assessment, frequency of unit testing, diagnosis of learning gaps, use of corrective measures, retesting and feedback of evidence to teachers and students for their self-evaluation.

·               The second term 'comprehensive' means that the scheme attempts to cover both the scholastic and the co-scholastic aspects of the students' growth and development.

·               Since abilities, attitudes and aptitudes can manifest themselves in forms other than the written word, the term refers to application of variety of tools and techniques (both testing and non-testing) and aims at assessing a learner's development in areas of learning, like

·               Knowledge Understanding

·               Applying   Analysing

·               Evaluating Creating

·               Continuous           evaluation helps in bringing awareness of the achievement to the child, teachers and parents from time-to-time.

·               They can look into the probable cause of the fall in performance if any and may take remedial measures of instruction in which more emphasis is required.

·               CCE uses assessment as a means of motivating learners to provide feedback and follow up work to improve upon the learning in the classroom and to present a comprehensive picture of a learner's profile.


7.2.1 Objectives of CCE


The objectives of CCE are

·               To help develop cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills.

·               To lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasise memorisation.

·               To make evaluation an integral part of teaching-learning process.

·               To use evaluation for improvement of students achievement and teaching-learning strategies on the basis of regular diagnosis followed by remedial instructions.

·               To use evaluation as a quality control device to maintain desired standard of perforrnance.

·               To make the process of teaching and learning a learner-centered activity.


7.2.2 Features of CCE

The features of CCE are

·               The 'continuous' aspect of CCE takes care of 'continual' and 'periodicity' aspect of evaluation.

·               Continuous means assessment of students in the beginning of instructions (placement evaluation) and assessment during the instructional process (formative evaluation) done informally using multiple techniques of evaluation.

·               Periodicity means assessment of performance done frequently at the end of unit/term (summative evaluation).

·               The 'comprehensive' component of CCE takes care of assessment of all round development of the child's personality.

·               It includes assessment in scholastic as well as co-scholastic aspects of the pupil's growth.

·               Scholastic aspects include curricular areas or subject specific areas, where as co-scholastic aspects include life skills, co-curricular activities, attitudes and values.

·               Assessment in scholastic areas is done informally and formally using multiple techniques of evaluation continually and periodically. The diagnostic evaluation takes place at the end of unit/term test.

·               The causes of poor performance in some units are diagnosed using diagnostic tests. These are followed with appropriate interventions followed by re-testing.


7.2.3 Functions of CCE

The Junctions of CCE are

·               It helps the teacher to organise effective teaching strategies.

·               Continuous evaluation helps in regular assessment to the extent and degree of learner's progress (ability and achievement with reference to specific scholastic and co-scholastic areas).

·               Continuous evaluation serves to diagnose weaknesses and permits the teacher to ascertain certain an individual learner's strengths and weaknesses and her needs. It provides immediate feedback to the teacher, who can then decide whether a particular unit or concept needs a discussion again in the whole class or whether a few individuals are in need of remedial instruction.

·               By continuous evaluation, children can know their strengths and weaknesses. It provides the child a realistic self-assessment of how he/she studies. It can motivate children to develop good study habits, to correct errors and to direct their activities towards the achievement of desired goals. It helps a learner to determine the areas of instruction in which more emphasis is required.

·               Continuous and comprehensive evaluation identifies areas of aptitude and interest. It helps in identifying changes in attitudes and value systems.

·               It helps in making decisions for the future, regarding choice of subjects, courses and careers.


7.2.4 Assessment

Assessment should be both formative and summative

Formative Assessment

·               It is a tool used by the teacher to continuously monitor student progress in a non-threatening, supportive environment. It involves regular descriptive feedback, a chance for the student to reflect on the performance, take advice and improve upon it.

·               It involves the students' being an essential part of assessment from designing criteria to assessing self or peers. If used effectively, it can improve student performance tremendously while raising the self- esteem of the child and reducing the work load of the teacher.

·               Formative assessment is carried out during a course of instruction for providing continuous feedback to both the teachers and the learners.

·               It is also carried out for taking decisions regarding appropriate modification in the transactional procedures and learning activities.


Features of Formative Assessment

Some of the specific features of formative assessment are

·               It is diagnostic and remedial.

·               Makes provision for effective feedback.

·               Provides a platform for the active involvement of students in their own learning.

·               Enables teachers to adjust teaching to take account of the results of assessment.

·               Recognises the profound influence assessment on the motivation and self-esteem of students, both of which have crucial influences on learning.

·               Recognises the need of students to be able to assess themselves and understand how to improve.

·               Builds on students' prior knowledge and experience in designing what is taught. Incorporates varied learning styles to decide how and what to teach.

·               Encourages students to understand the criteria that will be used to judge their work.

·               Offers an opportunity to students to improve their work after they get the feedback.

·               Helps students to support their peer group and vice-versa.


Summative Assessment

·               Summative assessment is carried out at the end of a course of learning. It measures or 'sums-up' how much a student has learned from the course. It is usually a graded test, i.e. it is marked according to a scale or set of grades.

·               Assessment that is pre-dominantly of summative nature will not by itself be able to yield a valid measure of the growth and development of the student.

·               It, at best, certifies the level of achievement only at a given point of time.

The paper pencil tests are basically a onetime mode of assessment and to exclusively rely on it to decide about the development of a student is not only unfair but also unscientific.



·               Over-emphasis on examination marks that focus on only scholastic aspects in turn makes student assume that assessment is different from learning, resulting in the 'learn and forget' syndrome.

·               Besides encouraging unhealthy competition, the overemphasis on summative assessment system also produces enormous stress and anxiety among the learners.


Features of Summative Assessment

Some of the important features of summative assessment are given below

·               Assessment of learning.

·               Generally, taken by students at the end of a unit or semester to demonstrate the 'sum' of what they have or have not learned.

·               Summative assessment methods are the most traditional way of evaluating student work.


7.2.5 Aim of School Based CCE

·               Elimination of chance element and subjectivity (as far as possible), de-emphasis on memorisation, encouraging comprehensive evaluation incorporating both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of learners development.

·               Continuous evaluation spread over the total span of the instructional time as an integral built-in aspect of the total teaching-learning process.

·               Functional and meaningful declaration of results for effective use by teachers, students, parents and the society.

·               Wider uses of test results for purposes not merely of the assessment of levels of pupils' achievements and proficiencies, but mainly for their improvement, thorough diagnosis and remedial/enrichment programmes.

·               The use of grades in place of marks in determining and declaring the level of pupil performance and proficiency.

·               The above goals are relevant for both external examination and evaluation in schools.


7.2.6 Characteristics of School Based CCE

School based evaluation has the following characteristics

·               It is broader, more comprehensive and continuous than traditional system.

·               Aims primarily to help learners for systematic learning and development.

·               Takes care of the needs of the learner as responsible citizens of the future.

It is more transparent, futuristic and provides more scope for association among learners, teachers and parents. School based evaluation provides opportunities to teachers to know the following about their learners.

·               What they learn?

·               How they learn?

·               What type of difficulties / limitations they face in working in tandem?

·               What do the children think?

·               What do the children feel?

·               What are their interests and dispositions?

·               The focus has shifted to developing a deep learning environment. There is a paradigm shift in the pedagogy and competencies from 'controlling' to 'enriching' to 'empowering' schools.


7.2.7 Assessment Paradigms

There are four assessment paradigms

         1.      Assessment of Learning

The 'assessment of learning' is defined as a process whereby someone attempts to describe and quantify the knowledge, attitudes or skills possessed by another. Teacher direction is paramount and the student has little involvement in the design or implementation of the assessment process in these circumstances.

·               Teacher designs learning. Teacher collects evidence.

Teacher judges what has been learnt and what has not been learnt.


           2.      Assessment for Previous Knowledge

·               The 'assessment for learning' involves increased level of student autonomy but not without teacher guidance and collaboration. The assessment for learning is sometimes seen as being a kin to 'formative assessment'. There is more emphasis towards giving useful advice to the student and less emphasis on the giving of marks and the grading function.

·               Teacher designs learning.

·               Teacher designs assessment with feedback to student.

·               Teacher judges what has been learnt student develops insight into what has not.


        3.      Assessment as Learning

The 'assessment as learning' is perhaps more connected with diagnostic assessment and can be constructed with more of an emphasis on peer learning. Assessment as learning generates opportunities for self-assessment and peer assessment. Students take on increased responsibility to generate quality information about their learning and that of others.

·               Teacher and student co-construct learning.

·               Teacher and student co-construct assessment.

·               Teacher and student co-construct learning progress map.

Assessment for learning and assessment as learning activities should be deeply embedded in teaching and learning and be the source of interactive feedback, allowing students to adjust, re-think and re-learn.


        4.      Assessment in Learning

The 'assessment in learning' places the question at the centre of teaching and learning. It deflects the teaching from its focus on a 'correct answer' to a focus on 'a fertile question'. Through enquiry students engage in processes that generates feedback about their learning, which come from multiple sources and activities. It contributes to the construction of other learning activities, line of enquiry and the generation of other questions.

·               Student as the centre of learning.

·               Student monitors, assesses and reflects on learning.

·               Student initiates demonstration of learning (to self and others).

·               Teacher as coach and mentor.

Teachers and students need to understand the purpose of each assessment strategy. The overall assessment 'package' being used by learners and teachers should accurately capture, generate and use meaningful learning information to generate deep learning and understanding.


7.2.8 Tools and Techniques of Evaluation

There are two main purposes of evaluation. One is to provide development feedback to the learner, and the other is to qualitatively classify (grade) a learner on the basis of his/her learning outcome against a set of norms. Evaluation, hence, is an important decision making situation where a teacher is involved in a judgement.


The quality of the decision depends on the quality of the data and information collected about the learner's learning accomplishments. In turn, quality of data and information depends upon the quality of tools and techniques of data gathering.

Hence, tools and techniques of evaluation are important components of the process of

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).


Interpretation of gathered information needs to be given in numerical scores, grades as well as in qualitative terms. In CCE, judgements should be made not just on scholastic aspects but also on co-scholastic aspects which depend to a large extent on the learning ambience and learning culture of an institution. As far as interpretation is concerned, attainment can be measured at different levels.

·               With reference to the learner himself/herself - his/her current state of progress, strengths, learning gaps etc.

·               With reference to the criteria, the expected level of learning keeping in view the required skills.

·               Tools are primarily instruments of collecting data and information, e.g. questions, observations, tests, inventories, record or document analysis etc are tools. Tools in the context of CCE, require situations for application, e.g. observation as a tool needs situations like debating competition, engagement in a project activity etc. A teacher can observe a student while he is debating or working on a project, assignment or questions in a written examination.

·               Multiple tools can be used for assessment. Similarly, more than one assessment tool can be used in several assessment techniques. In the following pages, we will deal primarily with the tools of assessment set in the context of techniques.

Assessment tools can be standardised and non- standardised, which are as follow


      (i)      Standardised tools have the attributes of objectivity, reliability, validity and quality of discriminating between a high and low performer. Different types of validities, e.g. construct, content and concurrent validity take care of balance and relevance. Speed is a factor in some tests, but not a common element in all tests. Psychological tests and inventories like intelligence and aptitude tests, interest and study habit inventories, attitude scales etc. have those properties.

     (ii)     Non-standardised tools are teacher made tests, rating scale, observation schedules, interview schedules, questionnaire, opinionnaires, checklists etc.

Some of the tools and techniques are


Questions are the most commonly applied assessment tool for finding out what children know, think, imagine and feel. A teacher, in the course of teaching, comes to know of learning difficulties in children by asking questions.

Questions as a tool are primarily used in examinations.

Questions must have some important characteristics. These are as follow


      1.   Objective Based A question should be based on a pre-determined objective and should be framed in such a way that it tests the objective effectively.


      2.   Instructions It should specify a particular task through the instructions. For this, appropriate directional words should be used and structured situations should be given.


     3.   Scope It should indicate the limit and the scope of the answer (length of the answer) in accordance with the estimated time and marks allotted to it.


     4.   Content The question should assess the same area of content which it intends to assess.


    5.   Language A good question is framed in a clear, precise and unambiguous language, well within the comprehension of the students.


    6.   Difficulty Level A question should be written keeping in view the level of the students for whom it is meant. The difficulty of the question depends upon the ability to be tested, the content area to be tested and the time available to answer it.


    7.   Assessing Power A good question must assess between the bright students and the other students.


   8.   Scope of the Answer The language of the question should be specific and precise so that the scope of the expected answer is clear or defined.


   9.   Value Points Value points or marks carried by a question as a whole and also its sub parts should be clearly mentioned.


Form of Questions

The form of question depends on the objective and the content area to be tested. Some forms are better than the others for testing certain abilities.

A good question paper should have the questions based on


     1.   Remembering e.g. How many...? , Can you name...?,

Who spoke to...?, What happened after?


     2.   Understanding e.g. How would you explain...?,

Who do you think...?, Can you clarify....?


     3.   Applying e.g. Which factors would you change if...?, From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about...?, Do you know of another instance where...? etc.


     4.   Analysing e.g. Which events could not have happened ...?, How is... similar to ...?, Why did .... changes occur?, What was the turning point?, What was the problem with ...?


     5.   Evaluating e.g. Is there a better solution to ...?,

What are the alternatives ...?, What are the pros and cons of...?, How effective are ...?, Do you think ... is a good or bad thing?


     6.   Creating e.g. Can you design a ...?, What would happen if...?, Can you see a possible solution to ...?, Can you develop a proposal which would..?


Types of Questions

The answer may vary from one word to several paragraphs. Such type of questions are also called as free-response questions. Supply-type questions may be divided into four categories as follow


        1.      Essay Type Questions The term essay implies a written response which is a sustained form of writing. The student is allowed to have freedom with respect to wording, length and organisation of the answer.

A distinction should be made between the essay type question used to measure knowledge and the essay type question employed to test writing skills in languages which is called a writing task. There are many abilities which may not be tested through any other form of question but only by the essay type question.

These abilities are

·               Select relevant facts from the body of acquired knowledge.

·               Identify and also establish relationships between various aspects of knowledge.

·               Weigh the proof with respect to implications of the gathered information.

·               To organise, analyse, interpret facts and other types of information to draw inferences.

·               Adopt an indigenous or original approach to solve a given problem.

·               Defend one's point of view through facts, data and suitable arguments.

·               Critically examine the degree of adequacy, accuracy and relevance of the available information in a given situation.

·               Appreciate a problem at both the macro and micro levels.

·               Conceive, design and suggest new and innovative approaches for tackling a given problem.


         2.      Constructing Essay Type Questions Essay type questions usually begin with such terms as 'discuss', 'explain', 'evaluate', 'define', 'compare', 'contrast', 'describe' etc. Essay type questions are good when the group to be tested is small and limited time is available for test preparation. It is also quite suitable to test written expression.


        3.      Short Answer Questions Essay type questions suffer from lack of objectivity and reliability while objective type questions cannot be used for testing certain aspects of growth like the ability to express, summarise and organise the ideas in a precise manner. Short answer questions are a good via-media between the two extremes. If understood and framed properly, they have the advantages of both the objective type and essay type questions.

Some characteristics of short answer questions are

·               Short answer questions can be used profitably in all tests.

·               It can be used to test almost all the objectives of teaching.

·               It helps students to develop the ability of organising and selecting relevant facts.

·               It can be scored more objectively than the essay type questions and thereby ensure reliability.

·               These questions help in covering more syllabus because more number of questions can be put in lieu of one-essay type question.

·               This improves the validity of the question paper.


          4.        Very Short Answer Questions Characteristics of short answer questions are

Very short answer questions are those which have one specific testing point and can be marked quite objectively. More content can be tested through these questions and more reliability and validity can be ensured.

It helps in testing knowledge of the examinee by asking him to supply a word, phrase, figure or a sentence which is required for answering the questions. It can be answered in one word to one sentence. It mostly takes one to two minutes to answer and the mark allotted may be one mark. Very short answer questions can be used profitably in all the school subjects.


        5.      Objective Type Questions In these type of questions, students have to answer them by selecting the correct answer among the provided choices. These may be divided into alternative response type, matching type and multiple choice type questions etc.



Information about a child (his/her behaviour) can be collected in 'natural' settings in and outside the class through observation. Other information can be collected through planned and purposeful observation of students during activities and tasks.

Some of the advantages of observation technique are given below

·               Recognise and identify the various aspects of students' personality development. Recognise and identify the individuals as well as groups.

·               Recognise and identify on a continuing basis at varying time periods.

·               Recognise and identify the students performance an knowledge based on an 'on-the-spot record'.

·               Over time, a pattern of interests, aptitudes etc emerge creating a comprehensive picture of the student. Concerns and risks in observation as an assessment tool. Jumping to conclusions based on one or few observations.

·               Skill of the observer determining 'what' is observed.

·               Lack of sensitivity and objectivity in the way the observation is done.

·               Observations in one situation and not across time and different activities and settings.


Observations can be used as a tool of assessment in a variety of situations. Techniques like debates, elocution, group work, practical and laboratory activities, projects, in play fields and school prayers, in clubs and festivals can be used.

·               Whereas observation can be biased and subjective, such errors and risks can be substantially reduced by using an observation schedule.


Tests and Inventories

Tests (oral) should not be used for content or skills that can be tested through written examination. Oral tests being individual tests require more time than group written tests. Oral tests are best suited to assess the depth of learning where a student has difficulty in written expression.

Oral tests and examinations

·               Allow the learner to participate in the learning assessment process.

·               Help to test listening and speaking skills.

·               Test certain verbal abilities like fluency, expression and accuracy.

·               Test depth of learning of the students through probing questions, oral tests also require previous planning.

Questions should be pre-defined and documented by the teacher. The questions should be arranged in order of difficulty. Wherever probing is necessary, probable probing questions should also be written down in advance. For each question, the expected answers, the value points and the manner of presentation should also be written down. For objectivity, students' answers should either be recorded on a digital (or otherwise) recorder or recorded on paper. One simple way out is to check out on the model answer sheet. As a student responds, teacher checks the correct answers and crosses the incorrect answers. This kind of coded recording should be supplemented by brief descriptive notes.



·            The concept of checklist has been provided earlier under questions. However, checklists can be used in several other areas of assessment, e.g. as a part of life skills, whether a student can dress up neatly suitable to the occasion or a student can confidently address the students during the school prayer. Checklist is used where answer is in either 'yes' or 'no'.

There may be a possibility of confusion. Checklists can be filled only by collecting the information by observing or questioning or by document analysis.

·            Hence, checklist is primarily an instrument of data recording and documentation.


Rating Scale

Rating scale is used wherever a response or a learner behaviour is likely to be in a continuum from excellent to bad or from satisfactory to unsatisfactory.


Anecdotal Records

Anecdotal records derives its origin and meaning from the word 'anecdotes' - brief events and episodes. An anecdotal record is the observed behaviour of a student. It is a record of some significant episode in the life of the student that sheds light on the conduct, thinking, skills and capabilities revealing significant features and characteristics about his/her personality.


Document Analysis

Record or document analysis is extensively used in research. The significance of this technique is with regard to assessment of students on the basis of documents, e.g. assignments, projects, journals in science, geography etc. In a way, this technique is also used to evaluate answers to esssay type questions. The accessor, here searches and identifies the main points, arguments, illustrations and examples, derivations and numerals to justify the concept and its explanation etc.


·               It is the collection of evidences of students' work over a period of time. It could be day-to-day work or selection of the learner's best piece of work. Painters and commercial artists often use portfolios to demonstrate their skills and quality work before the selection committees.


Quizzes, Competitions

Quizzes and competitions are quite commonplace activities today in electronic media, TV in particular.

This kind of assessment usually turns out to be joyful.

·               Besides testing the knowledge of the participants, it helps in building collaboration and team work in group events.



·               Theme based tasks to be completed as classwork or homework and can be open ended or structured.

Some could be based on contexts outside textbooks.

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