Current Affairs 3rd Class


Category : 3rd Class

Real Life Example

The noun is one of the first parts of speech that students learn. By third grade, a student should be able to identify proper, common, collective and abstract nouns.




This lesson will help you to:

  • understand nouns as a part of speech and its grammatical usage.
  • analyse different kinds of nouns and distinguishing factors between them.
  • develop the idea of using the nouns in proper context.  



Noun is the name of a person, place, or thing; as Sachin, Delhi, cow, table, happiness, beauty, crowd, iron etc.


Kinds of Noun

There are four different kinds of noun 

(a) Proper Noun: It is the name of a particular person or place and is always written with a capital letter. E.g. Akbar was a wise king. Mumbai is a big city. Rahul is a clever boy.

(b) Common Noun: It is a name which is common to any and every person or thing of the same kind. E.g. The king is riding on his horse. That boy is going to school. Boys are playing. This is a busy city.                                     

(c) Collective Noun: It denotes a number of persons or things grouped together as one complete whole. E.g. A flock of sheep is grazing in the field. The crowd was very big. A bunch of flowers is kept on the table. 

(d) Abstract Noun: It is the name of some quality, state or action. Abstract nouns are the things which we cannot perceive through senses. E.g. wisdom, Tina gave a bouquet Childhood is the poverty, youth, childhood, kindness etc.               



(We have mentioned few frequently used collective nouns here. There are many more words to show collection).  






Create a collage of nouns. Get a large piece of poster board and using a marker, make one heading for common nouns, proper noun and collective nouns. Clip them out and paste or tape them underneath the proper heading. This collage will help you visualize the use of the three nouns. 

Important Tip

An abstract noun relates to something which cannot actually be perceived by the senses. It denotes quality like cleverness, kindness, state like poverty, youth, action like laughter, movement etc. abstract nouns should not be confused with verbs because verbs are action or doing words which can be seen when they are done like writing, running, eating etc.  



There are words which can replace a group or words. Such nouns enhance the vocabulary and are helpful in explaining thoughts. There are many more words. A few words have been mentioned here for you better understanding.


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