- The number system contains ten digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Largest and smallest numbers:
- The smallest one digit number is 1.
- The largest one digit number is 9.
- The smallest two digit number is 10.
- The largest two digit number is 99.
- The smallest three digit number is 100.
- The largest three digit number is 999.
- 10 Ones = 1 Ten
- 10 Tens = 1 Hundred
- 10 Hundreds = 1 Thousand
Place Value of each digit in a number:
In a four digit number, there are four places named:
Ones place. Tens place. Hundreds place and Thousands place.
Ascending Order of numbers:
Arranging numbers from the least number to the largest number is called Ascending Order.
Ex: 13, 67, 132, 168 are in ascending order
Descending Order of numbers:
Arranging numbers from the largest number to the least number is called Descending Order.
Ex: 168, 132, 67, 13 are in descending order.
Symbols used for comparison of two numbers:
This is the "equal to” sign. When we use it between two numbers, it means that the numbers on both sides of the sign have the same value.
Ex: 53 = 53
This is the "greater than" sign. It is placed between two numbers in such a way that the
open side is towards the bigger number.
Ex: 43 > 34
This is the “less than" sign. It is placed between two numbers in such a way that the closed side is towards the smaller number.
Ex: 57 < 69
Rules for comparison of numbers:
Rule 1:
A numeral containing more digits is greater.
Ex: 163 > 35
Rule 2:
If two numerals contain the same number of digits, the numeral having greater digit at the left most place will be greater.
Rule 3:
If the left most digits are also the same, we go to next digit from left and compare.
Successor of a numeral:
Successor of a particular numeral comes just after that numeral. So, we can find out the successor of a numeral by adding 1 to the given numeral.
Ex : The successor of 99 is 99 + 1 or 100.
Predecessor of a numeral:
Predecessor of a particular numeral comes just before that numeral. So, we can find out the
predecessor of a numeral by subtracting 1 from