Current Affairs 9th Class


Category : 9th Class

*       Paragraph


Introduction: A paragraph is a piece of writing that consists of several sentences. A paragraph should always have complete, correct and concise sentences. As well it should be easy to read and well organized. The paragraph itself should focus on one subject, theme, or central idea. It can be divided into three major parts:

1.       The Topic Sentence

2.       The Supporting Details

3.       The Concluding Sentence

Paragraph writing consists of many necessary elements to be taken into consideration before, while and after writing.    


*          1.  A waiting Room

A waiting room is a building, or more commonly a part of a building where people sit or stand until the event they are waiting for occurs. There are generally two types of waiting room. One is where individuals leave one at a time, for instance at a doctor's office or a hospital, or outside a school headmaster's office. The other is where people leave en masse such as those at train stations, bus stations and airports. These two examples also highlight the difference between waiting rooms where one is asked to wait (private waiting room) and waiting rooms one can just enter at will (public waiting rooms).

Most waiting rooms contain seats for people so they do not have to stand. Some have adjacent toilets. It is not uncommon to find vending machines in public waiting rooms or books and magazines in private waiting rooms. In some countries there are special waiting rooms especially for those who have paid for them, for example at airports and railway stations. These will generally be less crowded and will have superior seating and more facilities.    


*            2.  A laptop Computer

A laptop, also called a notebook, is a personal computer for mobile use. A laptop integrates most of the typical components of a desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a touchpad and speakers into a single unit. A laptop is powered by mams electricity via an AC adapter/ and can be used away from an outlet using a rechargeable battery. A laptop battery in new condition typically stores enough energy to run the laptop for three to five hours, depending on the computer usage, configuration and power management settings. When the laptop is plugged into the mains, the battery charges, whether or not the computer is running. Yet as it ages the battery's energy storage will progressively dissipate to last only a few minutes. Portable computers were originally considered to be a small niche market, mostly for specialized field applications, such as the military, accountants and sales representatives. As portable computers became smaller, lighter, cheaper and more powerful, and as screens became larger and of better quality, laptops became very widely used for all sorts of purposes.    


*            3.  Space Exploration

Space exploration is the use of space technology to explore outer space. Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft. While the observation of objects in space, known as astronomy, predates reliable recorded history, it was the development of large and relatively efficient rockets during the early 20th century that allowed physical space exploration to become a reality. Common rationales for exploring space include advancing scientific research, uniting different nations, ensuring the future survival of humanity and developing military and strategic advantages against other countries. The early era of space exploration was driven by a 'Space Race' between the Soviet Union and the United States, the launch of the first man-made object to orbit the Earth, the USSR's Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957, and the first Moon landing by the American Apollo 11 craft on July 20, 1969 are often taken as the boundaries for this initial period. After the first 20 years of exploration, focus shifted from one-off flights to renewable hardware, such as the Space Shuttle program, and from competition to cooperation as with the International Space Station (ISS).    


*            4.  Superstitions

Superstition is a credulous belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often 'used pejoratively to refer to folk beliefs deemed irrational. This leads to some superstitions being called 'old wives' tales'. It is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the belief that future events can be foretold by specific unrelated prior events. Superstitions began centuries ago when our ancestors tried to explain mysterious circumstances or events as best they could with the knowledge they had. For instance, before the development of science explained such strange things as why mirrors show our reflections or why shadows appear when it's sunny, ancient people reasoned that a shadow or reflection was part of their soul. If someone broke something onto which the shadow or reflection appeared, people believed that their soul was harmed. Therefore, when a person broke a mirror it was considered unlucky or harmful. Today, we know that reflections and shadows are not part of our souls but if someone still believes it is bad luck to break a mirror they are said to be superstitious. Therefore, a superstition is 'a belief or practice' that people cling to even after new knowledge or facts prove that these silly beliefs are untrue.    


*            5.  Face book Friendships

Face book is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Face book, Inc. As of July 2011, Face book has more than 750 million active users. Users can create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile.

Today, Face book tops the list among the social networking sites. One of the favourite Face book moments is browsing photos from friends in the News Feed which gives fun and meaningful glimpse of the friendship between two people. One can even find a friendship page from links under relevant Wall posts, under relationship stories and under the main photo on a friend's profile page. For those who have worked on it, the best part is the human side of these pages. They can bring back memories, conversations and times spent to gather. With the launching of the Friendship Page, which displays public Wall posts and comments between two friends, photos in which both are tagged, one can be able to see Friendship pages between oneself and a friend, or between any two other people in which one has permission to view both peoples' profiles. It's remarkable to see how information can be transformed into something new and meaningful and we all hope to use this with our friends.      

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