Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Absorption of X-Rays

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

X-rays are absorbed when they incident on substance.

Intensity of emergent X-rays \[I={{I}_{0}}{{e}^{-\mu x}}\]

So intensity of absorbed X-rays \[I'={{I}_{0}}-I={{I}_{0}}(1-{{e}^{-\mu x}})\]

where \[x=\] thickness of absorbing medium, \[\mu =\]absorption coefficient

\[\mu \propto {{\lambda }^{3}};\,(\lambda \]= Wavelength of X-ray)

\[\mu \propto {{\bar{\nu }}^{3}}\,(\nu =\] Frequency of X-ray)

\[\mu \propto {{Z}^{4}}\,(Z=\]Atomic number of target)

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