Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Properties of X-Rays

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) X-rays are electromagnetic waves with wavelength range \[0.1\overset{\text{o}}{\mathop{\text{A}}}\,-100\overset{\text{o}}{\mathop{\text{A}}}\,\].

(2) The wavelength of X-rays is very small in comparison to the wavelength of light. Hence they carry much more energy (This is the only difference between X-rays and light)

(3) X-rays are invisible.

(4) They travel in a straight line with speed of light.

(5) X-rays are measured in Rontgen (measure of ionization power).

(6) X-rays carry no charge so they are not deflected in magnetic field and electric field.

(7) \[{{\lambda }_{Gama\,\,rays}}<{{\lambda }_{X\text{-}rays}}<{{\lambda }_{UV\,\,rays}}\]

(8) They used in the study of crystal structure.

(9) They ionise gases

(10) X-rays do not pass through heavy metals and bones.

(11) They affect photographic plates.

(12) Long exposure to X-rays is injurious for human body.

(13) Lead is the best absorber of X-rays.

(14) For X-ray photography of human body parts, \[BaS{{O}_{4}}\] is the best absorber.

(15) They produce photoelectric effect and Compton effect

(16) X-rays are not emitted by hydrogen atom.

(17) These cannot be used in Radar because they are not reflected by the target.

(18) They show all the important properties of light rays like; reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction and polarization etc.

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