Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Combination of Bulbs

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Series combination

(i) Total power consumed \[\frac{1}{{{P}_{total}}}=\frac{1}{{{P}_{1}}}+\frac{1}{{{P}_{2}}}+......\]

(ii) If \['n'\] bulbs are identical, \[{{P}_{total}}=\frac{P}{N}\]

(iii) \[{{P}_{consumed}}\,(\text{Brightness)}\propto V\propto R\propto \frac{1}{{{P}_{rated}}}\] i.e. in series combination bulb of lesser wattage will give more bright light and p.d. appeared across it will be more.

(2) Parallel combination

(i) Total power consumed \[{{P}_{total}}={{P}_{1}}+{{P}_{2}}+{{P}_{3}}......+{{P}_{n}}\]

(ii) If \['n'\] identical bulbs are in parallel.  \[{{P}_{total}}=nP\]

(iii) \[{{P}_{consumed}}\,(\text{Brightness)}\propto {{P}_{R}}\propto i\propto \frac{1}{R}\] i.e. in parallel combination, bulb of greater wattage will give more bright light and more current will pass through it.

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