Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Electricity Consumption

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) The price of electricity consumed is calculated on the basis of electrical energy and not on the basis of electrical power.

(2) The unit Joule for energy is very small hence a big practical unit is considered known as kilowatt hour (KWH) or board of trade unit (B.T.U.) or simple unit.

(3) 1 KWH or 1 unit is the quantity of electrical energy which dissipates in one hour in an electrical circuit when the electrical power in the circuit is 1 KW thus \[1KWH=\text{ }1000W\times 3600\,\,\sec =3.6\times {{10}^{6}}J\].

(4) Important formulae to calculate the no. of consumed units is \[n=\frac{\text{Total }Watt\text{ }\times \text{ Total }Hours\text{ }}{1000}\]

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