Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Examples of Surface Tension

Category : JEE Main & Advanced


(1) When mercury is split on a clean glass plate, it forms globules. Tiny globules are spherical on the account of surface tension because force of gravity is negligible. The bigger globules get flattened from the middle but have round shape near the edges.


(2) When a greased iron needle is placed gently on the surface of water at rest, so that it does not prick the water surface, the needle floats on the surface of water despite it being heavier because the weight of needle is balanced by the vertical components of the forces of surface tension. If the water surface is pricked by one end of the needle, the needle sinks down.

(3) When a molten metal is poured into water from a suitable height, the falling stream of metal breaks up and the detached portion of the liquid in small quantity acquire the spherical shape.


(4) Take a frame of wire and dip it in soap solution and take it out, a soap film will be formed in the frame. Place a loop of wet thread gently on the film. It will remain in the form, we place it on the film according to figure. Now, piercing the film with a pin at any point inside the loop, It immediately takes the circular form as shown in figure.


(5) Hair of shaving brush/painting brush when dipped in water spread out, but as soon as it is taken out, its hair stick together.

(6) If a small irregular piece of camphor is floated on the surface of pure water, it does not remain steady but dances about on the surface. This is because, irregular shaped camphor dissolves unequally and decreases the surface tension of the water locally. The unbalanced forces make it to move haphazardly in different directions.
(7) Rain drops are spherical in shape because each drop tends to acquire minimum surface area due to surface tension, and for a given volume, the surface area of sphere is minimum. (8) Oil drop spreads on cold water. Whereas it may remain as a drop on hot water. This is due to the fact that the surface tension of oil is less than that of cold water and is more than that of hot water.


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