Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Force Due to Surface Tension

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

If a body of weight W is placed on the liquid surface, whose surface tension is T. If F is the minimum force required to pull it away from the water then value of F for different bodies can be calculated by the following table.      

Body Figure Force


(Length \[=l\])


Hollow disc

(Inner radius \[={{r}_{1}}\] Outer radius \[={{r}_{2}}\])

\[F=2\pi ({{r}_{1}}+{{r}_{2}})T+W\]
Thin ring (Radius \[=r\]) \[F=2\pi (r+r)T+W\] \[F=4\pi rT+W\]

Circular plate or disc

(Radius \[=r\])

\[F=2\pi rT+W\]

Square frame

(Side = l )

          F = 8l T + W
Square plate           F = 4l T + W


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