Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Quink's Tube

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

This is an apparatus used to demonstrate the phenomenon of interference and also used to measure velocity of sound in air. This is made up of two U-tube A and B as shown in figure. Here the tube B can slide in and out from the tube A. There are two openings P and Q in the tube A. At opening P, a tuning fork or a sound source of known frequency n0 is placed and at the other opening a detector is placed to detect the resultant sound of interference occurred due to superposition of two sound waves coming from the tubes A and B.

Initially tube B is adjusted so that detector detects a maximum. At this instant if length of paths covered by the two waves from P and Q from the side of A and side of B are \[{{l}_{1}}\] and \[{{l}_{2}}\] respectively then for constructive interference we must have

\[{{l}_{2}}-{{l}_{1}}=N\lambda \]                                               .... (i)

If now tube B is further pulled out by a distance \[x\] so that next maximum is obtained and the length of path from the side of B is \[{{l}_{2}}'\] then we have

\[l{{'}_{2}}={{l}_{2}}+2x\]                                              .... (ii)

where \[x\] is the displacement of the tube. For next constructive interference of sound at point Q, we have \[l{{'}_{2}}={{l}_{1}}=(N+1)\lambda \]                                     .... (iii)

From equation (i), (ii) and (iii), we get

\[l{{'}_{2}}-{{l}_{2}}=2\times x=\lambda \]\[\Rightarrow \]\[x=\frac{\lambda }{2}\]

Thus by experiment we get the wavelength of sound as for two successive points of constructive interference, the path difference must be \[\lambda \]. As the tube B is pulled out by \[x,\] this introduces a path difference \[2x\] in the path of sound wave through tube B. If the frequency of the source is known, \[{{n}_{0}},\] the velocity of sound in the air filled in tube can be gives as \[\nu ={{n}_{0}}.\lambda \]\[=2{{n}_{0}}x\]

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