Current Affairs Miscelleneous

About 70 per cent of your body weight is water.

The state of California raises the most turkeys than all the states.

Going back to the 1600, thermometers were filled with brandy instead of mercury.

The greatest recorded distance covered by a migrating bird called, Arctic Tern is 22,400 kilometres.

The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than Pacific Ocean.

The only golf course on the island of Tango has 15 holes and there's no penalty if a monkey steals your golf ball.

Coral reefs provide homes for over 25% of all marine life.

A fly always jumps backwards for a quick getaway when you try to hit it.

Polar bear can eat 86 penguin in a single sitting.

The ears and end of the nose do not have bones. They have cartilage or gristle which is lighter and more flexible than bone. This is why the nose and ears can be bent.

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