Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise in a moving car.

A 19th century poet called Edward Fitzgerald loved to wear a lowering top hat that had shelves containing long clay pipe, spare tobacco and a couple of books to read.

The green stuff on the occasional freak potato chip is chlorophyll.

All The planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, Except for Venus which 'Rotates clockwise.

An adult's stomach can hold approximately 3 pints of material.

Snails can drag loads 50 times heavier than themselves. They can pull toy trucks weighing over 2 lbs.

A new book is published every 13 minutes in America.

A jellyfish's body contains 95 per cent water.

You breathe in about 7 quarts of air every minute.

The cash register machine was invented by restaurant owner James Ritty, from Dayton, Ohio in 1879, to solve the problem of stealing by his staff.

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