Current Affairs Nature

The most venomous snake to be found in land is the Australian fierce snake. But the viper snake, found from West Africa to India, kills more people every year than any other species of snake.

The magnetic ant has an unusual habit of building its nest with one end of it pointing to the north and other to the south.

One of the first mammals, morg anucodon, was only 10 cm long.

The only living being that sleeps on its back is a human.

The only place in the world where one can see trees with square-shaped trunks is found a few kilo-metres north of the Panama Canal, in Panama.

A snail can crawl over the cutting edge of a razor blade without hurting itself.

European eels, travel 7,500 km on their spawning immigration from the Baltic to Sargasso Sea. It is the longest journey by a fish. 

The African elephant has the biggest nose in the mammal world. A male's nose or trunk measures up to 2.5 m long. Elephants .use their trunks for      gathering food, fighting and drinking, as also for smelling.

Goliath, the world's largest Galapagos tortoise, lives a protected life in a wildlife sanctuary in Florida (USA). It weighs 385 kg, 68.5 cm high, 135.5 cm long and 102 cm wide at only 35 years old, and it keeps growing.

The Gastric frog of Australia gives birth to its young ones through its mouth.

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