Current Affairs Nature

Sea creatures, squid and octopus, swim by squirting out water through a tube in their body.

The noisiest insect in the world is the male cicada which can be heard 400 m away.

The largest carnivore (meat eater) is the brown bear, which can grow to a height of 3 m, with a weight of 750 kg.

Salamander is a long-tailed, lizard like amphibian which lives on land, trees, and sometimes in water too. The Chinese giant salamander weighs up to 65 kg and grows up to 1.8 m long, on an average.

Termites can make an amazing mound nest. The tallest mound measured was almost 9 m high. Termite queens live up to 50 years, making them the longest living insects.

The wandering albatross has the longest wing span of any living bird, measuring up to 3.6 m.

The spotted hyena utilises the carcasses of its prey more efficiently than any other carnivore. It is the only animal with a digestive system that can break down bones, hooves, horns and hides.

The pouch of a pelican can stretch so much, that it can hold 14 kg of fish or store 14 litres of water in it.

The ocean sunfish, the heaviest bony fish, lays the most number of eggs in a single spawning- about 300 million. Only a few of these develop and most are eaten by other fishes.

Brazilian wandering spiders are the most venomous in the world. Often hiding in people's shoes, they attack aggressively when disturbed. Most of their victims have been children. 

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