Current Affairs 6th Class

Working with Word Processing 2013

Category : 6th Class

Working with Word Processing 2013



Microsoft word 2013 is a word processing program that is used to create professional - looking documents such as reports, resumes, letters, memos and newsletters.


By using Word, it is easy to efficiently create a wide range of business and personal documents, from the simplest letter to the most complex report. Word includes many desktop publishing features that you can use to enhance the appearance of documents so that they are visually appealing and easy to read.


Using MS-Word you can performs that following functions:


v  Create professional looking documents.

v  Change selection preferences.

v  Customize Auto Correct.

v  Learn how well you can write (technically).

v  Make comments and suggestions.

v  Spelling and Grammar check in a document.

v  Inserting picture in a document.

v  Inserting table and chart in a document.


Starting MS-Word


To start MS-Word, follow the following steps:


v  Click start button.

v  Select All Apps.

v  Click Microsoft Office 2013 and select Word 2013.


v  Type the 'winword', in cortana in 'type here to search' box.


MS-Word Windows 2013



Features of MS-Word 2013


Title bar 


This bar is located at the top of the window and displays the name of the document which is active.


Minimize Button


This button is located on the upper right corner of the window. It is the first button of existing three buttons.




This button is also located on the upper right corner of the window. It is the second button of existing three buttons. It basically changes the size of the window.


Document Close Button


This button is located on the upper right corner of the window. It is the third button of existing three buttons. It is basically used for closing the document on window.


Menu Bar 


It is the list of main menu choices located below the title bar.


Scroll Bar  


It allows scrolling the document up and down or from left to right. There are two types of scroll bar: vertical and horizontal.


Status Bar


It displays information about the active document, such as current line number, column number or page number. It is located across the bottom of the application window.


Text Area

The place where you enter your text document is referred as Text Area. The text area of a document in print layout preview is bounded with both vertical and horizontal rulers, horizontal and vertical scroll bars.



Formatting MS-Word Document Tools

Word 2013 includes Font, Font size, Font color, and Font style and effect. The Font group on the Home tab of the Ribbon contains the most commonly used text formatting commands.



Formatting of word document includes


v  Font

v  Font style

v  Size

v  Font color

v  Underline style

v  Underline color

v  Effects



To apply any formatting option on text do the following:


v  Select the text in the document.

v  Select Home tab à font group.


Font dialog box can be opened by clicking the dialog box launcher in the font group.




To apply different font, follow the following steps:


v  Select the text that you want to format.

v  On the font option select the desired font from the list.



Font Style


To apply different font style, follow the following steps:


v  Select the text that you want to format.

v  On the font style option, select the desired font from the list.





To apply different font size, follow the following steps:


v  Select the text for which you want to change the size.

v  Select the size.



Font Color


To apply different font colors, follow the following steps:


v  Select the text on which you want to apply color.

v  Select the color from font color.



Underline style and Underline Color


To apply different underline style and underline color, follow the following steps:


v  Select the text on which you want to apply underline with underline color.

v  Select the underline style with underline color option.






To apply different effects follow the following steps:


v  Select the text on which you want to apply different effects. Effects list is a follows:




Strike through

It strikes the word. (Computers)

Double strike through

It double strikes the word. (Computers)

Super script

It positions number or text slightly higher than the text on the line.

Sub script

It positions number or text slightly lower than the text on the line.

Small caps

It capitalize letters.

All Caps

It capitalize all letters.


If you have confidential information in a document or text that you do not want others to see you can hide the text.


Some other options in the group:







It apply different font on selected text to you text.



It makes the selected text size increase or decrease.


Font Size    

It makes the selected text size increase.


Font Size

It makes the selected text to you text.    

Change Case

Change the selected text in:

Upper Case: Example (COMPUTER).

Lower Case: Example (computer).

Sentence case: example (computer is an electronic machine

Capitalize Each word: example (computer is a electronic machine )


Clear formatting

It clear, all the formatting you applied on selected text and makes your selected text in normal format.



It makes the selected text bold. Example COMPUTER.



It makes the selected text italic. Example COMPUTER.



It underlines the selected text. Example computer


Strike though

It strikes and places letters or numbers the word. Example COMPUTER



It makes the slightly lower than the text on line.



It makes the slightly higher than the text on line.

Text effected and typography

It applies the Text effect on selected text in the form of Outline, Shadow Reflection, Glow.

Text highlighting

It makes the selected text as highlighted.

Front color

It applies the different color on selected text.



Paragraph is a collection of words and sentences. Paragraph formatting involves text, alignment, setting margins and line spacing. To apply formatting option the text should be selected.




Microsoft word enables the feature to insert bullet and number list in a document.


v  To insert a bulleted list, Select the text and click the Bulleted List button on the Ribbon.



v  To insert a numbered list, select the text and click the Numbered List button on the Ribbon.

v  You can also change the bullet image and numbering format using the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.


To change the bullet image and numbering format:


v  Select Home tab > Paragraph group > Bullets and Numbering or right-clicking within the list and select Bullets and Numbering from the shortcut menu to display the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.

v  To select a bullet style, click the Bulleted tab. Select the list style from one of the seven choices given or click Picture to choose a different icon. Click Numbered tab to choose a numbered list style.

v  Click OK.


Increase/Decrease Indent

It is used to set the margin from left and right side.


v  Click the  increase indent button in the paragraph group on the Home Tab to increase the indent.

v  Click the  Decrease indent button in the paragraph on the Home Tab to decrease the indent.


Paragraph Alignment

The Paragraph alignment option is used to align each line of the paragraph.


v  Align left : Aligns the text at the left margin. The shortcut key of left align is Ctrl+L.

v  Center : Centers the text between the left and center margin. The shortcut of center align is Ctrl+E.

v  Alight Right: Aligns the text at the right margin. The shortcut of right align is Ctrl+R.

v  Align Justify :     Aligns the text at both left and right margins. The shortcut of justify align is ctrl+J


Line Spacing

  Line spacing option is used to set the space between the lines of text in a paragraph. In word 2013, the default spacing is 1.08 line and 8 points after each paragraph.


Steps to apply line spacing


v  Select the text or paragraph on which you want to apply line spacing.

v  Click on home tab and select line space from paragraph group.

v  Select the desired line spacing from drop down list.


Find and Replace

MS-Word offers several options for locating specific content in your document. You can search for it and replace items in it such as text, images or paragraphs.


Steps to use 'Find' command in MS-Word 2013:

Find feature is very useful to search for a particular word or phrase through lengthy documents.


v  On the Home tab select Find option from editing group.

v  On the left hand side, in navigation pane, type any word which you want to search from the current document.

v  Now the search word is shown highlighted.


Steps to use 'Replace' command in MS-Word 2013:

The Replace command is used to replace any particular word within a document. This feature is very useful when you have made a mistake repeatedly throughout your document.


v  On the Home tab select Replace option from editing group.

v  The replace dialog box will appear on your screen.

v  In Find What: type any word which you to want replace.

v  In Replace With: type the word which you want to replace with existing word.

v  Click Replace button to replace or click Replace All button to replace all the word with that word.


Shortcut Keys in MS-Word 2013




Ctrl + N

Open new word document

Ctrl + A

Select all contents in the word document

Ctrl + C

Copy the selected content

Ctrl + X

Cut the selected content

Ctrl + V

Paste the selected content

Ctrl + B

Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + I

Italic highlighted selection

Ctrl + U

Underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + S

Save the open document

Ctrl + P

Open print dialog box

Ctrl + Z

Undo last action

Ctrl + L

Left Alignment

Ctrl + E

Centre Alignment

Ctrl + R

Right Alignment

Ctrl + J 

Justify Alignment. This will align the document equally from both side

Ctrl + D

Open Font dialog box

Ctrl + Page up

Move up one by one page

Ctrl + Page down

Move down one by one page

Ctrl + Home

Move to the beginning of the document





Ctrl + End

Move to the end of the document

Ctrl + [

Decrease Font size of the selected word

Ctrl + ]

Increase Font size of the selected word

Ctrl - =


Ctrl + Shift + +


Down Arrow or Enter

Move downward, one line at a time

Up Arrow

Move upward, one line at a time

Right Arrow

Left Arrow

Move to right side one by one word

Move to left side one by one word

Page up

Move up, one page at a time

Page down

Move down one page at a time

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Move in downward direction line by line

Ctrl + up Arrow

Move in upward direction line by line

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Move to next word in a row to right side

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Move to next word in a row to left side


Delete character to the left of the cursor




Go to page number dialogue box will be opened


Navigation (containing Headings, Pages and Results will be displayed based on search criteria in search box)


Spell check

F 12

Save As

Alt + F4

Close open document


Note: F means function key


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