Current Affairs Miscelleneous

The Indians of the Andes Mountains have bigger lugs, two quarts more blood in their system and their hearts are 20% bigger.

Seven out of every ten hockey-playing Canadian will lose a tooth during a game.

The ten armed Squid escapes from its enemies by spurting out dark fluid from its ink sac creating a smoke screen.

In the largest annual food festival called “Tomatino,” celebrated in Spain they have a unique ritual of hurling tomato on each other.

Urine from male cape water buffaloes is so flammable that some tribes use it for lantern fuel.

The loudest snore recorded has been measured at 69 decibels as loud as a pneumatic drill!

Physical traits inherited from parants apart from the build, skin colour, eyes colour, hair colour, are the size of ears, nose, hands and feet.

During the Gold Rush in 1849, some people paid as much as $ 100 for a sample glass of water.

Your thumb is the same length as your nose.

Wearing headphones for just an hour will multiply the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

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