Current Affairs Miscelleneous

A one ounce milk chocolate bar has 6 mg of caffeine.

Starfish haven't got brains.

The lioness does more than 90% of the hunting while the lion simply prefers to rest.

Clinophobia is a fear of beds.

Coral reefs attract millions of visitor to beaches around the world each year, a local tourism economy that makes up 10% of all the jobs worldwide.

Cranberry growers take their product by checking if it will bounce. If it doesn't, it is thrown away.

The great scientist Newton was an absent-minded genius. He seldom remembered the names of his own brothers.

Unless you have a doctor's note, it's illegal to buy ice cream after 6 PM in New Jersey.

It is impossible to lick your elbow.

Insects take advantage of surface tension to walk on water.

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