Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Tiny plants called plankton live in the sea and make nearly three quarters of the Earth's oxygen.

Jupiter's magnetic field is so massive that it pours billions of watts into Earth's magnetic field everyday.

Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

The Egyptians used pillows made of stones.

The tallest tree is the giant redwood called the Founder's tree, growing in the HUMBOLDT National forest California. It is over 110 mtst all.

The ancient Egyptians would remove all the organs in the body except heart while burying the corpse.

Cats, camels and giraffes are the only animals in the world that walk right foot, right foot, left foot, left foot, rather than right foot, left foot.

Heating and air conditioning system in termite mounds are superior in terms of equipment and energy consumption to those made by human beings.

Verginia Wolf wrote all her books by standing.

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