Current Affairs Miscelleneous

A royal swan named 'Old Jack' in Buckingham palace lived to a ripe old age of 70 years.

The wheelbarrow was invented by the Chinese.

The human heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day.

Australia is a major exporter of camels.

One man survived an attack of 2,243 wild bees as he jumped into the river but his exposed face had 2000 stings removed from it.

A golden eagle can spot a hare from the distance of 3.2 kilometres (2 miles) away.

Powdered tea was once used as snuff to stop a bleeding nose.

A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at the speed of 100 mph.

If all the gold sitting in the oceans and seas were mined, every person would get about 20 kg of gold. 

Grasshoppers hear with their legs, waving them in the air to tell where a sound is coming from.

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