Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Each king in the pack represents a great king from history. Spades-king David, Clubs-Alexander the Great, hearts- Charlemagne and Diamonds- Julius Caesar.

Teddy bears were named after President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt of America.

‘7’ in citrus soda 7-UP indicates the original size of the containers and ‘UP’ indicates the direction of the bubbles.

The US Army accidentally ordered an 82-year supply off freeze-dried tuna salad mix for troops in Europe. 

The Chaffinch only can sing by imitating the song of another bird.

Even after the death Jeremy Bentham, s British philosopher attended Board meeting for 92 years with a wax mask and cloth covering his skeleton.

During the American Civil war acorns were used as a substitute for coffee powder.

Cattle are the only mammals that urinate backwards.

The game of snakes and ladders, also called ladders, also called ‘Mokshapat’ was created by the 13th century poet saint, Gyandev. It is played with cowrie shells and dices.

In ancient Rome it was considered a sigh of leadership quality to be born with a crooked nose.

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