Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Astronauts have to have little fans in their capsules to blow the air around while they sleep, or else they would suffocate.

On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.

Peanuts are one of the components in dynamite.

After the U.S. Civil War, about 33%-50% of all US paper currencies in circulation were counterfeits.

Apples contain 25% of air.

When a frog swallows a meal, his bulging eyeballs close and go down his head in order to apply pressure and push the meal down his throat.

The largest flying animal ever was a prehistoric reptile, Quetzalcoallus Northropi, which lived 65 million years ago. It had a 12m wingspan, the width of a two-seater airplane.

At an average people airborne over the US at any given hour are 61, 000.

After chocolate and vanilla, orange is the most sought-after flavor in the world.

Saturn has such a low density that it would float in water.

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