Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Some species of spider in Namibian desert in South West Africa, when faced with danger, fully retract their legs and make their bodies exactly like a wheel.

Tarantula spiders cannot spin web.

The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world ever constructed. Its length is 2694.4 km, height 4.57 to 9.2 m with the wall thickness of 9.75m.

At birth, you have about 300 bones, but as you grow older, small bones join together. Adults end up with about 206 bones.

People of England celebrate the festival of their patron, Saint George each year on April 23. But Saint George was a soldier from Palestine and he never went to England.

King Henry VIII kept a polar bear, which was allowed to go out to catch its fish from the Thames river.

If you keep a gold fish in a dark room, it will eventually turn white.

Australia has no native monkeys.

Within a tiny drop of blood, there are a million red blood cells, 300,000 platelets and 10,000 white blood cells.

A caterpillar protects itself from its enemies by wearing the false face of a dreadful snake on its tail.

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