Current Affairs Miscelleneous

In 1562, a corpse was dug up six hours after his burial, after he had been seen breathing by someone at the funeral. He then lived for another 75 years.

Manatees have the ability to speak like humans, but they don't do so, because they have no ears to hear the sound. 

We have a whole pharmaceutical system within us and can create any drug inside it.

A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21 inch long tongue.

Onions have no flavour, only smell.

According to a study by the Economic Research Service, 27% of all food production in Western nations ends up in garbage cans.

The only creature that can turn its head in an almost complete circle as much as 270° is, owl. This is because it cannot move its tubular eyeballs. 

Clocks made before 1660 had only one hand – an hour hand.

Ants don't sleep.

Thomas Wedder, the English circus freak, had a nose that was 7 ½ inches long.

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