Current Affairs Miscelleneous

A puffin eats as much food as it weighs every twenty-four hours and yet it never seems to get fat. 

Spider monkeys like banana daiquiris.

Tree ferns can grow as tall as palm trees.

Twenty two per cent of us skip lunch daily.

Animals with the largest skulls were the Torosaurus. The skull measured 26 m and the length of the animal measured 24 feet.

Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.

By looking closely at the rings of a tree, scientists can tell how old it is. They can also tell the state of the planet during its life time.

At one feeding a mosquito can absorb blood one and a half times its own weight. 

The saguaro cactus found in south western US does not grow branches until it is 75 years old.

315 entries in website's 1996 dictionary were misspelled.

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