Current Affairs Miscelleneous

The sound energy of 200 pianos is equivalent to the electrical energy, needed to light up just one light bulb.

The worst smell in the world is said to be of ethyl mercaptan.

Francis Scott key was a young lawyer who wrote the poem, ‘The star Spangled Banner’, which later became the national anthem of England.

One of the earliest burglar-proof locks was made in 1 787 and had 479,100,600 different combinations.

Watching an hour long soap opera burns more calories than watching a three-hour baseball game!

Minnows have teeth in their throat.

On a clear day, a beam of sunlight can be reflected from a mirror and seen 40 km away.

Though an elephant weighs about 14, 000 pounds, its brain weighs only 11 pounds.

Java is the most populous island on Earth with more than 120,000,000 human inhabitants.

The largest species of kangaroo stands nearly seven feet tall.

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